The Saddle Jack Electric Saddle Rack
The Saddle Jack electric saddle rack can be installed in almost any horse trailer tack room.

The best power saddle rack on the market


Walla Walla, WA

Welcome to the Saddle Jack power saddle rack!


Our patented electric saddle rack can be installed in almost any horse trailer tack room, whether it is a side tack, large rear tack, or shallow rear tack.


18 second top to bottom cycle time!

This Saddle Jack has been installed in a side tack, but we can install it in almost any horse trailer.

With several configurations from which to choose, the Saddle Jack is an easy way for shorter people, or those with back or shoulder problems, to access the saddles on the rack. At the touch of a button, the saddle rack drops down to a managable height, and in the case of a side tack, it also swings out, either electrically or mechanically, depending on the trailer.


Take a look around at the different configurations offered for the Saddle Jack power saddle rack, and give us a call with any questions!


The Saddle Jack is currently offered for sale exclusively through Don Johnson Sales, though dealer inquiries are welcome.